Nokia E61 Mobile Hardware Serviceing

Nokia E61 Mobile Hardware Serviceing:
Nokia E61 Mobile Hardware repair tutorial
given under with  Image. You can repair easily
by showing these  tutorials.

Nokia E61 Mobile Charging Error :

For removed Nokia E61 Mobile Charging Error
Please follow this graph image system. Follow
this system to repair Mobile charging problems.

Nokia E61 Mobile Audio Speaker Servicing:   

For Nokia E61 Mobile Audio Speaker Servicing
Please follow this graph image and trying to understand
to solved this problem. Nokia E61 Mobile Audio Speaker

 Nokia E61 Mobile Signal Error :

Nokia E61 Mobile Signal Error

 Nokia E61 Mobile Power Button:

Nokia E61 Mobile Power Button Management system.

Follow this image to removed this problem.

Nokia N70 Mobile Hardware repair tutorial

Nokia N70 Mobile Hardware repair:
Nokia N70 Mobile Hardware repair tutorial given under down with
 Sample Image. You can repair easily by showing these  tutorials.

Nokia N70 LCD Repairing

This is the sample of  Nokia N70 Mobile
LCD Repairing system. Please follow this
system to repair Nokia N70 Mobile Display.

  Nokia N70 LCD Repairing 

Nokia N70 Mobile Hardware repair:

Nokia N70 Mobile Hardware repair: 

Nokia N70 Mobile Hardware repair:

Nokia N70 Mobile Hardware repair:

Nokia N70 Mobile Hardware repair:

Mobile Tricks

Mobile Service codes For Nokia :
Nokia mobile Factory Setting
            Code *#7780# ok. 
      Nokia mobile Master Reset Setting 
       Code  *#7370# ok 
      Nokia mobile Hard Reset Setting 
       Code  *#7470# ok
      Nokia mobile IM Number 
       Code  *#06# ok 
      Nokia mobile Sim Lock 
       Code  *#746025625# ok 
     Nokia mobile Software Verson: 
                                                Code  *#682371158412125#ok 
Nokia mobile Product Date
Code *#3283# ok

Mobile Service codes For Philips :

S200 enable COM port: *#3338913# -> Device -> Set UART -> PS -> UART1/115200
Service codes "Chinese" models:
default user code: 1122, 3344, 1234, 5678
Engineer mode: *#110*01#
Factory mode: *#987#
Enable COM port: *#110*01# -> Device -> Set UART -> PS Config -> UART1/115200
Restore factory settings: *#987*99#
LCD contrast: *#369#
software version: *#800#
software version: *#900#

Service codes LG Mobile Phone :

software version: 2945#*#
KG300 NVRAM format: 2945#*# -> menu 15
Service codes Sony-Ericsson:
J100 software version: #82#

Mobile Service codes For Motorola Handset :

Motofone F3 software version: **9999* Send
C113, C114, C115, C115i, C116, C117, C118 software version: #02#*
C138, C139, C140 software version: #02#*
C155, C156, C157 software version: #02#*
C257, C261 software version: #02#*
V171, V172, V173 software version: #02#*
V175, V176, V176 software version: #02#*
C168, W220 software version: *#**837#

For VK-Mobile Handset:

software version: *#79#
software version: *#837#
service menu: *#85*364# (hold #)
Service codes VK200, VK2000, VK2010, VK2020, VK4000:
software version: *#79#
service menu: *#9998*8336# (hold #)
reset defaults (phone/user code reset to default): *#9998*7328# (hold #)

Mobile Service codes For Others Handset :

M100 software version: ####0000#
2040(i) reset defaults: *#987*99# Send
MX200 reset defaults: *#987*99# Send
MX200 software version: *#900# Send
SL300m reset defaults: *#987*99# Send
SL300m software version: *#900# Send
SL500m reset defaults: *#987*99# Send
SL500m software version: *#900# Send
MP500 reset defaults: *#987*99# Send
MP500 software version: *#900# Send
Set language to English: *#0044#
Set language to Russian: *#0007#